A True Tall Tale

A bedtime story from Teatret Gruppe 38 and Carte Blanche.
Very freely adapted from Selma Lagerlöf.

Don’t go through the forest
robbers lie in wait and they will threaten your life
Nevertheless, the old monk and his young apprentice walk
into the forest on an icy winter’s day
for they have heard about a wonderful miracle
that is almost too good
not to be true.

Audience experiences this wonderful story, lying in hammocks under a luminous sky.

A Story of A House That Turned into A Dot

A story about how long the road home is, when anger has made you run away.

She became so hopping mad
She became so fizzling furious
She became so livid with rage
that she opened the window and climbed down the ladder
and then she ran.

She ran and ran and ran
And ranranran
And she ran there and she ran around
And ran over and ran under
And ran down down down down down
And ran upupupupup
And ran forward and ran along
And ran of of of
And when she turned
The house had turned into a dot