Hot like a furnace
Desolate dry
A red-hot sand ocean under the blight of the sun
Not at tree to provide a cooling shade
Such is the desert of Libya
Here Androcles stumbles on bare feet
in the scorching hot sand
The burning rays of the sun prick him
like a thousand needles
He groans with thirst and begs for water
but no one hears him
There is just sand
Sand in the eyes sand in the mouth
Sand all around
Androcles is a slave sold to a Roman merchant. When he is accused of theft, he must flee out into the burning sun of the desert to avoid being thrown to the lions. Suddenly, in the middle of the pitch-dark night, sounds a roar so loud that Androcles’ heart freezes.
Audience experiences this wonderful, old legend, lying in hammocks under a radiant sky.
Teateravisen. DkA beautiful story. And beautifully told by Bodil Alling - so mild, so authoritative, so adventurous a voice ... Everything - music, images, sounds - are aligned with the story.
Peripetri, DkI would place myself in one of these hammocks to hear any (well told) story in that space.
Age group:
Adults and children from 6 years -
Ca. 40 min. -
Bodil Alling
Søren Søndberg
Søren la Cour
Lars K. Olesen -
Created by
Sara Topsøe-Jensen
Bodil Alling
Søren Søndberg
Søren la Cour
Lars K. Olesen
Betina Møller
Li Have Lehmann
Diana Gade Olesen -
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